Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mirror of the girl´s eyes.

And when the girl thought the world was a rainbow she could explore, she got a birthday gift that would light up her world even more.
As soon as she got her new camera, she just knew she would not be alone on new adventures,
she knew straightaway she could trust her new friend and share her bohemian universe with her.
The girl would rest on a a third eye, she was determined to find beauty before her own.
Like a mirror of her kaleidoscope eyes, her camera would reflect a sky with colorful diamonds on each snapshot,
even the stars would be jealous wanting some of that magic behind the lens.
She was ready to capture a world that would inspire her heart and soul.
The camera would suddenly become an extension of her blue green eyes.
Inspiration would be like falling glitter and the universe would naturally unfold.
She could not wait to turn ephemeral moments into eternal treasured memories.
It took a simple snap and it was love at first sight.
Happy Valentine´s Day, everyone.

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